

Historical Ebisu Premiere Saito Urakazuyoshi debut!Their cost and enthusiastic singing
the history of the national tour "historical relics tour ~ this go?~ "Tokyo · LIQUIDROOM Ebisu concert, January 11th was held yesterday.

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opening shellfish sound together, the history that appeared on the stage, in front of Ikeda Takashi - full audience said "please ah this!(laughter) "shock.The enthusiasm of the audience filled the floor, to the latest album "√ you" song, revealed.

composing. "Love plunge into the wilds and flee warrior feat. Full light teacher", as the mystery guest ashigaru teacher (Ito,: U) called Ikeda. Yu or breathe together launched.Ito is the end of the song "See you again!"And say hello, after the new chance Xiong guys side left the stage.

Encore Ikeda gorgeous hair ornaments and red T-shirts to wear the "Princess"."This tour, has been, a piece of men's kimono do.But different?This song to do so, princess?Then the second called the guests!?"This day, second people as the mystery guest, Saito Mara Saito Urakazuyoshi to attract.Said

own clothes kimono Saito debut floor craze.The audience came to Ikeda front, "easy to understand high, please stop!(laughter) "and the calf, and Saito together" Princess Shake!Feat Saito Mo Luo Wei door "announced.Saito Kaishi or woman guitar while singing, enthusiasm, Ikeda epoch-making stage show "do as one pleases. (laughter)" smile.Saito left the stage Ikeda the warm gesture by the wonder: how to think?Very happy, but warm think?"And, the band members asked.

the last song "hunting rice", from the Ito and guests of the mysterious Ninja · Sha Lang debut.Ikeda sand Lang "suddenly don't come!(laughter) "side to keep on good terms with each other, and with three people on the.The trip was in January 18th Sendai Darwin concert finally usher in Miyagi prefecture.[] Association reported new tour!Ando Yuko, "RA, & history in concert DVD Fukuoka field live recording of" CIRCLE "selfish, Hosono, Mukai, history, should master, wonderful trip finally get real about historical Akasaka BLITZ in case of Shiina Ringo," Saito Atsumon "debut" historical Princess Dancing Princess Shake!Feat Saito Mo Luo Wei door "PV
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