

Design the control group, there, as the first director of the "sound · Citi reality, figure · Lille", the Prime Minister publicly;
data, you, as a control, first director of documentary films "· sound; Citi reality, FIG. · Lille, January 18th the United States of America · Utah at the Sundance Film Festival at the premiere, meet.

the "sound · Citi reality, FIG. · Lille" teaser image

Movie American music industry has now become the recorder "legendary neve 8028", the United States of America come first on the list of the studio, to open in 1969 more friend Wood · Macneil Yang, Tom · PE, volatile metal band, Nirvana, Noyes, literature, and,,, number, with the engineering group, and other modern the history of rock into the legendary singers determines the captive unknown studio "works and declining history forward sound city" glory and prosperity in the era of technology.Elements of music aesthetics in the spotlight is non - and losing of analog recording guess documentary.

team, at the control, Rick Lubin, Stevie Nicks, Rick · Springfield Neal Yang, Barry · with the example, Taylor · Ulrich, Noyes,, Na Noyes, Cory · Taylor, "notes · city", at the same time, music careers built the famous artists / countless people who make extensive use of the comment is, music lovers coveted works, and Dave's works the following message.

"debut as a director, I is this work" · sound; Citi reality, FIG. · evaluation of "excellent Lille studio heritage of objective things, not only the elements of music people praise, across 40 years active musicians own heart that" magic "find can give the conception of interesting things."-- data, you, as a control,

Movie luxury it goes without saying that, together with the production of the film should, I-mode, RA Vinh phuc, film message "· most of the city" the super famous entertainer scene and data, as the control group, the there joint performance, making the original music included dream of luxury collaboration realizes.Paul · Mccartney, Stevie Nicks (Fred Wood · Mike), Rick · Springfield, Cory · Taylor (slippage section), Noyes,, Noyes Na (Na:,,,,,,,, team) pull tissue of old and new mixed rock history legend gathered the.

the movie "the sound of ·'s, · reality; Lille" was released in February 1st, decided in the iTunes should, I-mode, RA Danish Japanese dish the launch on March 13th, both in the iTunes - · orders.

"· sound; Citi reality, FIG. · Lille.
sale March 13, 2013
SICP 3772 2520 (including tax)
< truck, list >
1 Heaven / cable, full
Tags: Division, Noyes, you harmed, the group, (RA Vinh phuc, Noyes,, group: the Danish, should by Danish RA), design, control, as for you, Peter, · Hayes (RA Vinh phuc,, Noyes, group the medicine should), Danish, Danish ra
2 school, and, as the control, museum,,,
Chris: (· producer: Kai,,,,,,, now Danish, number, group,,,, major literature), Tim · lattice Ford (Noyes, literature, and the,, number, with,,,,), data, there. For example, social group, RA I-mode, at the Danish (Noyes, the IMF, and the,, number, with,,,,)
3 unit group, -,, once said Vinh phuc, data, said,
Stevie Nicks (Fred Wood · Mike), the control group data there, as Hikaru, Taylor · wonder: - (,, foo fighters), laminated · Jia instruction (wall Fuluoer)
4, with the number, number,, you tap tap for.
Rick · Springfield, Ohio, for example: you control data, ·, Taylor; wonder: - (,, foo fighters), Nate · Mendel (foo fighters), pat, media, and (· Hu; Pingnan)
5 unit, the development,, the, studies, social rehabilitation center
Li there said, control (once said, group), the control group data there, as Hikaru, Taylor · wonder, -, (·, Hu; fighter), RA, literature,., (11), pat, media, and (· Hu; Pingnan)
6 as the development and,, -, simple, -,
Cory · Taylor (slippage section), the control group data there, as Hikaru, Rick · Nelson (cheap trick), Scott · leaders
7 ene - at Harbin for Germany
Joshi, egg (Kai,,,,,,, now Danish, number, group,,,, major literature), Chris · (occupation group;Related articles:

